Project ROBBO Lab Kit Parking place

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Description of the project

Students will need to program the Lab so that it can be controlled from the Robot Platform with two touch sensors installed. The task is to program the robot so that, approaching the vertical wall, it turns around and perfectly evenly parked. The ideal parking is checked by simultaneously touching both sensors. In the case of only one sensor, an alarm beeps and a red LED on the laboratory lights up. When the parking is successful, an end signal sounds and the green LED lights up. When programming, you need to pay attention to the following. Since the sensors touch the wall in different states, one at a time and together, it is necessary to first check the condition of a less likely event. namely whether simultaneous contact of both sensors has occurred. This is implemented using the If-To-Other construction.

Video of the finished project

Download links

Active link to download the file in sb format

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